luni, 14 mai 2012

Staying Young

I’ve something to say to you older folks, and you young folks listen too,
For what I’m about to say, will some day apply to you.
I know that some of you older folks are happily retired,
And have no ties to bind you, and work is no longer required.

So you’re sitting around in idleness, each day becomes a bore,
You’re beginning to start thinking, there’s nothing worth living for.
You’d like to be in some business, but think it’s too late to begin,
Well, I’ll tell you about a business, that all of you can be in.

Be in the business of staying young, make staying young a career,
Don’t live in the past; plan a future: look forward to each added year.
Don’t sit around and sigh, and let the world pass you by,
Get with it, and stay with it, all you have to do is to try.

Be willing to forget yourself, for at least once in awhile,
Place yourself second, and cause someone else to smile.
Kindness pays a thousand fold, this fact is more than true,
Try doing a favor here and there, and it will work for you.

Be willing to admit mistakes, humility is always grand,
The humble people are the ones that need a helping hand.
Be willing to work for what is right however rough the way,
For in the end the righteous always have the final say.

This life can be wonderful, tender and thrilling,
You can always find happiness, that is if you’re willing.
There’s a place for you in this world, work that needs to be done,
So make up your mind- you’re not too old to try to help someone.

I’ve been in the business of staying young since I hit the fifty mark,
And it’s a wonderful business, in which all of us can embark.
It gives you that happy feeling of starting your life anew,
But like any other business, it requires time and attention too!

So be in the business of staying young, and the heights of joy you will reach,
Make staying young your new career, and practice what you preach.
Age can be a frightening thing, if you let yourself fear it…
You can’t help being up in years, but needn’t be down in spirit.

Take pride in your appearance, always look up to par,
It’s a way of making others forget just how old you are.
I know I’m not indestructible, time is taking it’s toll,
But I have a goal to reach, and I know I’m not too old.

So get busy and be useful each day of your life on this earth
With your talents and your efforts, find a way to prove your worth.
And be grateful that you’re living in a world of youth today,
And you, too, can be youthful, if you think and live that way.

Always be serene and gentle: if in this life things don’t go your way,
Turn your left cheek, and be happy, to the unkind words that people say.
God has given us all a cross to bear, but first he measured us and found,
That when we reach the portals, He will exchange our cross for a crown.

It’s there we’ll meet our loved ones that have gone on before,
It’s there we’ll wear the robes of white, and dwell forevermore.
So let us live from day to day, while here upon this earth,
To do someone a golden deed, and our duty let us not shirk.

God will keep us strong and healthy, if in His hands we place our life,
We’re living in a world that needs us, though it’s filled with envy, sin and strife.
Let’s help make it a better place, so all can plainly see,
That each hour we spend here, is part of our eternity.

Author unknown

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