miercuri, 4 martie 2015

Why The Lotus Blooms

Why The Lotus Blooms
The seed was released;
alone herself she found;
Pitch heavy darkness ...

weighed down all around.
“Where, what, why …?”
- bewildered, she cried.
After a short while,
gathering herself, she sighed
“There must be a purpose
to my being here
I have to believe -
in time it will be clear”
Trembling all the while,
emerging from her shell,
she sent her roots down
to anchor in the bed.
Groping in dull waters,
she looked around confused -
relieved to see above her
a golden beam diffused.
Reaching for the shimmer,
she extended herself up,
trudging through the mire
without the slightest fuss.
She rose to the surface
- by now a reticent bud
savoring the air,
stood tall above the mud.
Warm rays embraced her
and lovingly kissed her face;
She had made her way home
… with splendor & grace
Her joyous petals whispered …
“inspire them, tell your story”
so laying bare her heart …
she bloomed … in all her glory.
~ Charu Agarwal - Women's Spiritual Poetry

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